Once again this year, our family participated in the "hooked on fishing, not on drugs", fishing clinic held at Greenbriar State park in Myersville, MD. Dallin and Billy were the two kids enrolled in the program along with Lacey M. and Christian M. It was held Monday through Friday from 8 to 11 a.m. The 2 instructors we have had before and they do a fantastic job. The other great thing about this program is that everyone in the car, whether taking the class or not, is able to get into the lake for free, so while Dallin, Billy, Lacey and Christian were enjoying the class, the rest of the kids were able to hang out at the lake. My favorite part is being able to relax in the shade near the edge of the lake and visit with Stephanie M. It is one of my favorite weeks of the year and definetly one of the most relaxing. The kids in class were able to pain fish T-shirts, learn fishing safety and etiquette, learn how to catch fish with a net and then do a lot of regular fishing in the lake. Each day, we brought lunch and stayed usually until 2 or 3 in the afternoon to enjoy all that Greenbriar has to offer. One of the days we had a cook-out with yummy hot dogs and hamburgers. On Friday, two friends from our LDS homeschool group, Brittney J. and Kari P. and their adorable kids came up to swim. It was a lot of fun for everyone.
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