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Monday, July 11, 2011

Our Troop 622 Mt. Airy, MD had a great time at Camp Tuckahoe
Scout Camp July 2011.

Mike went with the boys for the first few days. Brandon, Dallin
and Billy all had a great time. Jadon was there working as staff and
it was nice he was able to come and be with his 3 brothers and troop
for some of the time.

I heard that Ken Grenier's chili won first place and our troop 3rd in
the cardboard canoe race.

The only scare was that during a class on poisonous plants, Billy
thought it would be funny to eat some mountain laurel. Scared his mother
to death but the EMT's did a great job taking care of him and Billy
is still alive and well.

Thanks Ken Grenier for being such an awesome scout master and
really doing such a wonderful job mentoring all the boys.

Dallin is really excited about scouting and has completed 10 merit badges since the
last court of honor. He has 2 more partials to finish and 2 others to start
and finish and then he has enough merit badges to after passing the time
restrictions be able to work toward Eagle.
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